So many disappointed kids, so little time

Colin Goodwin drove a company Impala, but had to turn it in. Wouldn’t you know it though, the car was vandalized right before he could do so! The company’s response? Turn it into an ice cream mobile. Oh, and give it back to Goodwin.

As such, the man is now responsible for company morale, doling out frozen treats to his employees from the back seat. Oh, but not all is wonderful in his world. The constant playing of “It’s a Small World After All” grates more and more on the man.

“I pretty much just listen to news radio as loud as I can inside the car because I’m so tired of ‘It’s A Small World After All,'” Goodwin said.

This can result in only one of two situations: the constant playing of the tune drives Goodwin mad, eventually sending him onto a child slaying tear OR an ice cream mobile that never stops for them constantly disappoints legions of children. Either way, I’m okay with the outcome.