Hard stance on immigration : easier stance on payment

We all know that illegal immigration is a big topic of concern, probably even more so in the (oh so fashionably named) Texarkana states. There’s no easy way to end it that’s fair to everyone, but there are plenty of suggestions, especially those from the Republican side of the board. Texas Republican state Representative Debbie Riddle has a fantastic plan:

“Create tough state punishments for those who ‘intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly’ hire an unauthorized immigrant. Violators could face up to two years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.”

But wait a second here. Illegal immigrants do a lot of jobs that many of us are just too lazy to do. Why should you go shovel your driveway when you can pay someone else to? Why should you mow your lawn? Why should you clean your own house? Because it’s so much easier to just pay someone below minimum wage to do it. And if you’re an official that may possibly have a say regarding illegal immigration?

Don’t you worry. Riddle has, what we call in my business, a workaround.

“Those who hire unauthorized immigrants would be in violation of the law — unless they are hiring a maid, a lawn caretaker or another houseworker.”

Phew. That’s a relief. We’d hate to call someone a hypocrite, because why should Texans be held to the same standard as the rest of America?

Foreign fish-the new illegal immigrant

The Supreme Court recently refused to issue an injunction in a case between Illinois and Michigan.

That’s not what we should be worried. The really crux of the problem is Asian carp. Yes, somehow, in the Midwest rivers of our great, American country, Asian carp have made their way into our land. Did they take a citizenship test? No. Do they pay any taxes at all? No. Do they even have the courtesy to speak our language? NO!

Now, listen-I’m just one man. But even I know when we’re clearly leaning on a slippery slope to pure communism thanks solely to the illegal immigration of Asian carp. You should be afraid because the ambassador to Atlantis is remaking America. He’s just not remaking it the way you thought he would. He’s just remaking it into a place that’s a whole lot crappier. Kind of a hybrid between Mu and Sea World. He’s taking the beacon of freedom and turning it into an apologetic, hey, what can you do for me, wannabe Chrodatan, spread the wealth, socialist wonderland. Teardrop.