He spits in the face of capitalism

The trade-up: everyone’s vaguely familiar with the concept. Here’s a quick explanation-I give you a hot dog. You give the hot dog to a homeless man for his pen. You give that pen to an accountant for a shoelace. You give that shoelace to a nuclear physicist for his clipboard. Eventually, after numerous trades, you end up as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or something along those lines. It’s a formula that’s been used many times in different mediums-kids’ stories, cartoons, I’ve even seen it used as a story on a cooking show. But rarely is it ever heard of in real life.

Until now.

Stephen Ortiz, a teenager in California, was given a phone by a friend, free of charge. He took the gift to the cesspool of the internet Craigslist. The phone led to an iPod Touch, the media player created by the company that is the bane of Bryan McBournie led to a dirt bike, and the transportation of teenagers in 80’s movies led to another a Macbook Pro. Eventually, Ortiz landed himself a Porsche.

As someone who works in a auto related industry, 17 year old Stephen’s lifelong dream is a nightmare for his parents.

Second Coming (of Steve Jobs)?

Apple owners, rejoice! Rejoice, for the prices on everything in the Mac Store have lowered dramatically!

Nanos, Touches and even Classics are priced to reach even the meekest of hands! The day of everyone embracing the work of Jobs is nigh!

… Or there’s something new coming out that will keep the power balance between us elites and the Zune-clappers where it belongs.

So, praise Jobs for drawing PCheapskates into the fold, but praise him again as we lord over them with our iPod Thoughts or iTricorders or whatever.