The McBournie Minute: History That Happened in the Past (1970-1979)

We have reached the third part in our ongoing series Better Know a Decade History That Happened in the Past. This time, we’re covering the 1970s. While technically The Sixties didn’t end until about 1973, it is still important to acknowledge that the 1970s were in fact a decade, a hairy, oversexed decade.

The good news was that all the assassinations and angry mobs were more or less over by the time the 1970s rolled around, thus, it was time for America to let other countries have a chance at scaring it senseless. All the while the U.S. rejoiced in the feeling that the Vietnam War was over, because allegedly it was.

Grab your polyester and hit the jump. Continue reading The McBournie Minute: History That Happened in the Past (1970-1979)

What’s up, Jimmy?

Earlier, former President Jimmy Carter went on record to allege that much of the anti-Obama fervor is based on racism.

OK, that makes some sense. He was a PUSA. He knows what it’s like to be reviled as history’s greatest monster a liberal president.

Now, he’s chimed in on Kanye West’s interruption of Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards. This means that officially everyone in the world has commented on the VMAs and that Jimmy Carter watches MTV.

Either Carter’s planning to run for president again, or he’s angling for his own cable show.