Living in the past through better suing

If you were married 8 years ago and divorced 5 years later, what’s the surefire way to recoup your costs after the costly legal battle? Why, sue the wedding photographer, of course.

Todd Remis of New York is suing H&H Photographers for the sum of 48 thousand dollars. That sounds like a fairly large amount of money, especially considering Remis was charged 4100 dollars for wedding photography (to which, Remis claims that the last 15 minutes of the wedding were missed by the crew and only 2 hours of a promised 6 hour film were recorded). So, the extra money?

Remis wants the remaining amount in order to recreate the wedding and fly both him and his now ex-wife (who, mind you, has fallen off the grid somewhere in Eastern Europe) to New York so that it can be recorded by another photographer.

That doesn’t sound outlandish at all.

Team L–somethingerother

Remember the days of the USSR? We don’t really either, as back then we did not really have a firm grasp on the intricacies of global politics. We were more into things like turtles that knew martial arts. But one thing we do know: when Soviet Russia was around, it was a whole lot easier to keep the satellite republics straight.

Apparently, the same thing still rings true today with the former Soviet republics. During a soccer game between host the Czech Republic and Lithuania, the organizers mixed up the visiting team with the Latvian national team when they played the wrong national anthem and printed the Latvian flag in the programs. Whoops.