Some people are born with good credit ratings

In these tough economic times (we’re trying to incorporate more cliches in our posts) you may need a loan. Also, you will probably learn a loan is not exactly easy to come by. Think it’s because you have bad credit? Think it’s because lenders are scared to lend to anyone right now because they think you peons are irresponsible and will just dump your mortgage back on the banks?


Turns out, if you’re not getting loans, you’re creepy looking, friend. According to a new study, how people look has a great deal to do with if the get a loan or not. For example, if you’re wearing an eye patch, you’re not getting a loan. However, if you’re wearing a monacle, get ready for the loan of your life!

SG Explains: The economic crisis

You may have heard recently about some hubbub with the economy and stocks and stuff. Recently, Warren “Jimmy” Buffett called the current crisis an “economic Pearl Harbor.” While this may not make sense to some of our readers, we are here to explain.

Let’s use Buffett’s analogy.

It’s the morning of December 7, 1941. The U.S., still reeling from the Great Depression, has not entered World War II, thanks mostly to isolationist policies. In come Japanese fighter and torpedo planes. Suddenly the U.S. is caught off guard and war begins a new era of the 20th century.

But first we need to back up. Let’s say the U.S. credit and loan debt is the Japanese Empire. For years prior to the war, the U.S. debt was building up its forces, offering really good deals and raping Nanking. We knew about it but chose to turn a blind eye to it, hoping the problem would resolve itself.

Hit the jump for the sneak attack. Continue reading SG Explains: The economic crisis