Can they transform into good movies?

You see, people? This: this is what happens when you see a movie that you know will suck, but pay for the privilege anyway. (We are not exceptions.)

Transformers 3 is in the works.

You know what that means. More Linkin Park. More “is Megan Fox legitimately hot vs. skanky hot” debates. More John Malkovich, Frances McDormand and Ken Jeong.

… Wait, what?

Just when we think we can walk away from what will be the loudest, most Michael Bayingest train wreck ever, he throws the careers of two Academy Award-winners into the dining car. Now we have to watch.

Take it from Snee: Lightning Round 3 (Hard Thunder)

So we just got through an election and the first half of Thanksgristmas, and that means I had to listen to a lot of stupid. This is the third time we’ve gone through this, so I shouldn’t have to explain it to you.

And if you’re new here, welcome and try not to get your ass in my foot’s way. Continue reading Take it from Snee: Lightning Round 3 (Hard Thunder)