Should’ve gone with chocolate chips instead

We’re gonna go on a lark here, but we’re pretty sure that you, our SG audience, is familiar with the concept of Coldstone Creamery or Maggie Moo, right? You pick a gigantic glob of flavored ice cream at whichever size you prefer (glob, globby and Kraft Globboroni & Cheese is the globbiest) and your dessert is then taken to an ice cold freezer plate, where you can have ‘mix-ins’ (candy pieces, fruit bits, syrups) added into your ice cream to make one enormous concoction.

Now, mind you, the mix-ins usually cost extra. But if you’re really lucky, you’ll get the mix-ins for free! And if you’re really lucky, you’ll get them from a place that doesn’t even offer mix-ins!

This makes Teresa McMillen’s daughter, who found a piece of metal in a small, cup size, hand-held carton of Walmart’s Great Value brand ice cream to be the luckiest person ever born.