Oh look, more dead aliens [/snooze]

A Peruvian college boooooy claims to have found proof of aliens in the form of a skull. Let’s examine why this is probably false.

  1. Renato Davila Riquelme says that he’s found a creature with a triangle-shaped head. Since when did triangles look like watermelons.
  2. People have been dying for years, nay, centuries, from different ailments that made them look different. Just because photography came about in 1839 doesn’t mean that people didn’t have lionitis before then.
  3. When the word scientists is placed in quotation marks in an article,we should almost automatically doubt everything reported.
  4. And the most damning piece of evidence: noted [fictional] scientist Reed Richards once stated regarding extraterrestrial biology, when a creature’s eyes are large, it usually means they have poor vision. Oftentimes, they can recognize shapes but not necessarily distinguish color. Even if the skull in the article is an honest to truth alien, it’s a racist.

Take it from Dr. Snee: Healthy tips for healthy living

Every day, I receive more and more emails about the swine flu, vaccines and restraining orders I’ve violated. I wanted to believe that I’m better than that, that common medical queries and accusations of unwanted (yeah right) advances were beneath me.

Well, I am, but somebody has failed you. I blame the public schools, which do not deserve my money to address their shortcomings. (You want better funding? Get a government loan and go to medical school like I did!*)

However, there’s no need to go into specifics about silly hot button issues that any practitioner at the free clinic can tell you about, not when the real issue here is how to stay healthy. If you’re healthy, then swine flu and vaccines don’t matter.

Fortunately, my method is simple: the Halloween Principles of Health. Continue reading Take it from Dr. Snee: Healthy tips for healthy living