So hip that Maxim did it in 2004

Is it possible to be anti-relevant? Playboy's giving it the old college try.As the print world spirals into oblivion, magazines are trying everything to hold on to their empires. One of the most famous, Playboy, demonstrates just how little relevance they actually hold.

In an attempt to snare younger readers with “hip” imagery, Playboy featured Marge Simpson on their November cover.

You know, from The Simpsons?

That show you may have watched 10 years ago? They’re retro hip now like Saved by the Bell, Limp Bizkit and AIDS, right?

In related news, Playboy has finally embraced the sad cartoon porn market, which is already dominated online.

The McBournie Minute: Pop should represent the populus

There was a time when I considered myself up on all the latest happenings in pop culture. I knew all the big players, all the latest news and gossip, and I knew it all because I could read the celebrity magazine headlines while my mom and I waited to put our groceries on the belt and check out. I was probably seven.

Since then, I can safely say I have focused more on what, rather than who, is cool. I pay attention to certain types of music and certain genres of movies. I watch certain types of shows with certain ads aimed at my demographic. Slowly over the years, it seems I have drifted farther and farther out of contact with what is “fresh,” as the kids say these days. I think.

I realized just recently that basically all of what we define as pop culture is really just what the females of the species find interesting. Let’s run down a few of the latest headlines, shall we? Continue reading The McBournie Minute: Pop should represent the populus

Take it from Snee: Jessica Alba kinda sucks

So I caught a few previews for Austin Powers 4: The Love Guru and noticed Jessica Alba is in it. You have to look hard for it: she’s only in the preview for a few seconds and she’s allegedly the leading lady. The same thing happened with Good Luck Chuck, that last attempt to cash in on Dane Cook/Ryan Reynolds confusion. You know what else these movies have in common? I don’t plan on seeing either one until I’m so hungover that the remote weighs 300 pounds. (And even then, the TV has to just happen to be on that channel.)

I’m not avoiding these films because they feature comedians sucking the last cents out of 10-year-old gags. I’m the guy who’s watched every Rodney Dangerfield movie ever made, including the one where he married five women. I just really, really don’t like Jessica Alba. Continue reading Take it from Snee: Jessica Alba kinda sucks