Get your stinking paws off my food, you damn dirty ape!

It’s no secret that the world is in economic turmoil. We humans know it, and so does our enemy. Because they see our weakness, they are now beginning to exploit it.

They are taking our jobs.

A Japanese restaurant (not a Benihana, a restaurant in Japan) has just hired two monkeys as waiters. Yes, we mean it. There are monkeys waiting tables in Japan. Now that your mind is blown, we’ll continue.

While some may find animals serving us as a good thing, if you dig deeper into the issue, you’ll find it is not a good thing at all. You see, these monkeys are taking our jobs, handling our food (possibly spitting in it) and they are getting paid for it. That means if you want to eat, your are funding terrorism, or at least animalism.

But the trouble doesn’t stop there, no. It goes right to the top. Who are these restaurant owners who think hiring the enemy is a good idea? Who are these species traitors? We have a solution for both the owners and the beasts.

Prepare yourself … for morning terror!

Look, we’re sure you’re having a nice, run-of-the-mill morning, so we feel the need to warn you before just launching into this story. The last thing we want is to be responsible for countless asthma and heart attacks — and possibly some emergency pants-changes — around the world.

So, let’s take a deep breath … hold it … OK, and release.

One more time: deeeeeeeep breath … hold it … think of a warm spring meadow … and release.

Are you in your happy place? Good.


Inmates on the loose!

Attention residents of Florida, be on the lookout for the Lakeland 15.

Authorities say 15 monkeys have escaped from a modern day Alcatraz for primates. The monkeys escaped by swimming across a pond from the island where they were being held. How lax can security be? Do they not know that monkeys can swim? It’s only gorillas that are afraid of water (if the Congo tells us anything about life).

They claim the monkeys are not dangerous, but we know better. These supermonkeys obviously are hellbent on bringing an end to life in Florida, which is the sole job of Floridians. We would tell you to arm yourselves, but we already know you did.

Speak nothing but evil

A new study has found that monkeys communicate in a much more intelligent way than we ever thought before. In fact, the study compares the communication to whales and dolphins.

What could be most frightening is that any single sound doesn’t mean a thing. It’s more like a combination of sounds that mean specific messages. Think of it as Morse code. Folks, this is terrible news. One of our greatest advantages is that we can talk to each other and the animals can’t really. Now we have to be more worried about the enemy giving away our position.

Who knows how much they have already learned about us.