And now, your sad news of the day

Here at SeriouslyGuys, we like to bring the funny. After all, it just feels remarkably great to have a smile on your face. I mean, who can’t chuckle at the wacky antics of New Zealand or the crazy hi-jinx of strippers? How could you not enjoy a story about lesbians earning the right to their name or that Sandra Day O’Connor is working on a video game?

Unfortunately, we must also report the sad news as well, not necessarily because we’re journalists (I can guarantee that I’m not), but because it is the respectful thing to do. Now is one of those times. Visual effects master and cinematic legend, Stan Winston, passed away yesterday. The genius behind the practical effects (think what’s not CGI) behind Jurassic Park, Alien, Predator, Pumpkinhead, Terminator 2, Edward Scissorhands and The Thing (a personal favorite of mine) had been suffering from multiple myeloma, essentially a cancer of the plasma cell, for seven years. His talent and knowledge of the craft will sorely missed.