Well, if anyone could keep a highway clean …

Remember way back to yesterday when we told you how the Nebraska DMV refused to issue a “420” license plate on the grounds that it could be pro-pot, Columbine or Hitler? Well, the Delaware Department of Transportation does not share their reluctance to one of those opinions.

We named the dog a character witness

Riverside County, Calif., prosecutors have charged a 10-year-old boy with “murder involving a gun.” According to authorities, the boy intentionally shot his father, a regional leader of the National Socialist Movement, a.k.a. the Neo-Nazis.

His defense attorney said he may make an insanity plea, but we kinda hope he’ll set a new precedent with the first-ever “Indiana Jones” defense.

Schadenfreude: The taste you know

In an uncertain world, we rely on the few certain things in our lives or–more importantly–the lives of others to make everything make sense. It’s what wakes us up in the morning, ready to face whatever uncertainties the world will throw at us.

There, that should be enough Schadenfreude to get you to five o’clock. It’s the taste you know you love, especially after pouring it in Jesse James’ rehabed lap.

Mm, Schadenfreude: make it every morning’s shameful joy.