Ask Dr. Snee: Contagious cancer can kill you

(Bonus: +4 xp for alliteration)

Sorry about the long sabbatical since my last house call. I’ve been on the road since May, following the Mamma Mia! tour across America.

Before you judge me (lest ye be judged for judging), I only watch Mamma Mia! because of the hot chicks in it, like Christine Baranski.

Also, I’ve found that any movie with an exclamation point in its title is guaranteed to be awesome:

  • Airplane!
  • Top Secret!
  • Yentil!

So, to clarify: unconditional love for anything Abba-related does not make me gay. My man-crush on Pierce Brosnan, however, does.

Anyway, on to your important medical quer — uh, questions.

Dear Dr. Snee,

I’ve heard you claim that cancer is contagious. Who told you that? They should be shot.


MoSane (a.k.a. ClippershipPat)

I agree completely: Continue reading Ask Dr. Snee: Contagious cancer can kill you

A legend unto itself

Can you imagine a painting so brazen, so abandoned and so vulgar that it could not be shown in public for more than 60 years? Why, by just reading about it, you’re already being condemned to the worst afterlife that could possibly happen. A place filled only by communist clowns, hatchet murders, baby kissers and Uwe Boll. A place where your soul can never return from.

It couldn’t be a tasteful nude piece, right? Right?

RIGHT? Welcome to the difference between 1947 and now.

(Link is possibly Not Safe For Work-be on the safe side and think that it isn’t)