Most scientific breathroughs occur with prunes

Einstein has been effectively disproved by a new study. The definitive genius theorized that “A person who has not made his great contribution to science before the age of 30 will never do so.” However, research by two economists found that the average age for Nobel Prize-worthy achievements for scientists is 48 years old. Or, as MSNBC put it, “The stroke of genius strikes later in life today.”

In response, the Science-y Twenty-somethings’ Union of Dope Science has submitted a counter-study that mostly confirms this one: “The stroke of genius strikes later in life today, but so do stroke-strokes. FACE.”

That’s President Oballa to you

Barack Obama seems to be someone we can clearly look up to (that’s a legitimate reality for me). After all, he’s president of the United States of America, which, mind you, is no small task. Leader of the most powerful country in the free world? Yeah, that’s got some prestige attached to it.

Attendant of Harvard Law School? Fairly select place to get in.

Winner of a Nobel Prize? Hey, they don’t necessarily just go about handing those out to everyone.

But now the man has been awarded potentially the greatest title he’s ever been given in his life. A Serbian festival that celebrates the potatoes of life has given Obama a “big balls award (link might be Not Safe For Work for you).”

President Obama was not present to accept the award, possibly off somewhere doing something extremely arrogant and manly, as his award denotes that he would do.