I can’t stress to you just how Not Safe For Work the link for this story is, and as such, if you click on it at work, you will be fired.

I warn you about it now. Do you understand me?

To repeat, as there will almost no people able to read this story initially, as if they click on the link, they will be fired. The link comes from a news source, but there is glorious rampant nudity in the main image. As such, allow me to sum up the story for you: Ukrainian feminists are fighting sex tourism through nudity.

Yes, you just read that. That is sound logic that SG agrees with.

Again, the link is highly Not Safe For Work. Click at your own risk. You have been warned.

Finally, more articles!

Let’s face it. You read Playboy for the articles. You’re so into the literary graces of the magazine that not only do you subscribe to the physical publication, but you read it online, too. The only thing is, you can’t read it at work, because you might get fired, unless you work at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Fear not, because Playboy is going to launch a site you can read at work–without all those pesky naked women that are trying to get you in trouble. Soon, will launch. Based on the name, we assume it’s going to a bit more covered up, and post celebrity mugshots and legal documents.