Whoop! (-ing Cough Is Up!)

Please cover your mouth when you cough.

The world is ending before us. Why do I say that? Because whooping cough, the cough that’s as awesome as 90’s rap duo Tag Team, is back and with a vengeance. Daaaarrk vengeaaaaaaance. The CDC is reporting that the number of whooping cough cases are up, higher than they’ve been in the past five years. How can we stem the tide of this contagion?

Please cover your mouth when you cough.

Also, vaccinations are great. Take that, Jenny McCarthy and Rob Schneider! Oh, and covering your mouth when you cough. If you must cough uncovered, make sure it’s at an animal.

Take it from Snee: A heartfelt apology

Look, as a comedy writer, sometimes I say and do mean things. My particular brand of comedy leans anywhere from provocative to “let’s see if my penis fits in there.” And, you know what? Sometimes I have to step back and say I’ve gone too far, especially when it concerns people’s feelings.

I know you expect Take it from Snee (to try) to be funny. You want to see goofy pictures and read cannibalism jokes. I wish I could deliver that to you, but I just don’t feel funny right now. In fact, I feel like s#&t.

So, there’s only one thing I can do this week, and that’s to man up and apologize. Otherwise, I might never be able to look myself in the mirror, much less make light of my third nipple.

Here goes: I’m sorry I gave your son autism, Jenny McCarthy. Continue reading Take it from Snee: A heartfelt apology