Imagine pairing her with bathwater and a baby

Secret passages are funny. Whether they’re activated by a random candelabra near a bookshelf, behind a floor of stairs, entered via dumb waiter or just located right in front of you on a wall, they’re full of wonder and whimsy. Except, they tend to be one-way affairs.

Take for instance a trash chute. It’s like a secret passage: it’s located in a wall, it can almost be navigated by a person and it leads one way. Now, whether that one way leads to a trash compactor, a furnace, an open dumpster full of syringes used by victims of ass-mumps or a room full of water, garbage and a one-eyed space beast, well, that’s up to the owners of the residence.

So, it would be smart to be extra careful when around a trash chute, especially if delicate and expensive devices are in hand. Right Amanda Still?

How to: Answer the phone

Over the past ten years, human beings have changed the way we socialize with each other, mostly because of technological advances like caller ID, social Web sites and cell phones. At this point, it is rare when we are contacted by a complete, unidentified stranger.

So, what do you do when an unknown phone number pops up on your cell phone? You could screen the call, but where’s the adventure in that? Back in the old days, it could have been a radio contest or even an old fashioned ploy for your credit card number.

Still, when was the last time you were even in a robbery attempt? See? That’s damn exciting!

As a service to your boring Friends-list (notice how it sounds like friendless?) only life, The Guys are bursting your bubble and teaching you how to answer the phone. Continue reading How to: Answer the phone