Violence and sex link finally discovered

Hard-line conservatives traditionalists take note: you’ve now been justified. Except, sortamaybekindanotreally.

As we’ve stated before, everyone loves sex toys. Where can you get sex toys? At adult stores, but more importantly, if you live in Huntsville, Alabama, you can get them at Pleasures, right Rick Snee? Right! But, what if you’re a poor yet horny (porny? hoor?) person living in that town, but all you own is a firing device? Then brother/sister, hold onto those yearnings for just 5 more days-Pleasures is here for you.

That’s right, on Valentine’s Day, bring your firing device (the metal one) to Pleasures’ Huntsville location (as in the first ever drive-thru adult store) and they’ll give you an adult toy, no ifs, ands or buts. Not that a lack of buts should deter you. It’s like guns for toys, but these transformers go up your butt.

Sherri Williams, owner of Pleasures, said the “Guns for Toys” event is her contribution to making love, not war in Alabama where guns are legal and adult toys are not. Customers can bring in a gun in any condition to trade for an adult toy. Williams says all guns that were used in a crime will be handed over to authorities while all others will be placed in an auction for sale on the store’s website. A portion of the proceeds will benefit victims of violent crimes through the ACVCC.

See? They are connected, but in a good way. Unless February 14 has a full moon this year, in which case, the Composite Bryan McBournie/Rick Snee Monster will arise and the combination of the devices will only end in tears.

Alabama is trying to kill me with sex

SeriouslyGuys deployed me to Huntsville, Alabama in 2007. They hoped that they would have direct access to all the stupid stories in the South. (Who would have suspected Florida and South Carolina?)

But, every now and then, this town delivers.

Local sex shop Pleasures will open a second location in Huntsville in the best metaphor of our economic times: a closed-down bank. The drive-thru teller lanes will be incorporated into the business as the first sex toy drive-thru in Alabama and possibly the world.

Look, Pleasures owner Sherri Williams: Huntsville just outlawed texting and driving to curb accidents and save lives. Now I have to dodge your customers when they’re on a “joy ride?” Not cool.