Take it from Snee: Super Bowl commericals are for idiots

It’s the week of the Super Bowl, which translates into a week of hype.

  1. Will Bret Favre congratulate Aaron Rodgers if he wins?!
  2. Does another championship ring make up Ben Roethlisberger’s off-season indiscretions?!  (If he does it again this year, does he have to win another Super Bowl to avoid jail time, or will a mere playoff appearance do?)
  3. Will the defense of either team show up this week?!
  4. Which company will put out the commercial of the year?!

If you asked number four, then congratulations: you’re an idiot. If you’re paid to answer number 4, then you are a hack and should be forced to wear a frilly dress the next time you go to a bar with more than one television on the wall.

What’s that? You don’t think that assessment is fair? Read on to find out why you’re a tool, chump. Continue reading Take it from Snee: Super Bowl commericals are for idiots