Better living with radiation

It’s like the circle of life for science: The dawn rises. Purple llamas in pink pajamas prance about.

Radiation is used. This grants superpowers. Superpowers are used. In the process, more radiation is used.

Superpowers are lost. More radiation is used. Cancer is obtained. More radiation is used.

Cancer is in remission. Radiation is used again to conquer the lingering bits of cancer. Cancer arises from Tokyo Harbor.

Radiation is now used near your sac of berries. This manages to not kill your berries but does put a pounding on the cancer.

Berries are now broken and spread upon the face of a newborn child. Please note these are different berries than from before.

Ask Dr. Snee: No ifs, ands or butts

Dear Dr. Snee:

I’ve just had a birthday, and I’m worried about getting older. More specifically, about prostate exams. Do doctors really have to stick a finger up my butt? What if I enjoy it? Or are there any other methods?

–Sitting Around

You know, SA, you couldn’t time this question any better. In fact, your timing is so extraordinary that a casual reader might think I just scanned the news for a medical headline, found a silly one and then wrote a fake letter from someone embarrassed about prostate exams. It’s a funny idea, but completely untrue.

But, seriously: South Korean doctors have just devised a new test that also involves fingers, only this time, it’s with your finger. Continue reading Ask Dr. Snee: No ifs, ands or butts

Beer loosens up men for prostate exams

When it comes to early detection of cancer, the greatest weapon we have is communication. The same goes for relationships.

And both are sped along by beer.

So, if you are a man between 40 and death, Pints for Prostates would like to buy you a beer, and then talk about what’s going on in that butt of yours. Who knows, maybe you’ll get an exam by the end of the night.