Take it from Snee: Third Amendment’s the charm

If you’ve interacted with an American over the past two weeks, you may have noticed that things are a little tense. Some people who want more gun control. Others want all the guns they can stick down their pants. And still others believe the government shot children to further the cause of the Illuminati (because shadowy groups that control everything need excuses to grab power).

The point is that, when it comes to the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment is on fire right now. Just for clarification, I mean figuratively “on fire,” because the First Amendment doesn’t guarantee my right to say anything is literally on fire.

And, that’s well and good for the Second Amendment. But you know who doesn’t get enough love? Proud supporters — like myself — of the Third Amendment. Continue reading Take it from Snee: Third Amendment’s the charm

Take it from Snee: The motherf@#king First Amendment

The First Amendment is a funny thing. After the U.S. Constitution was ratified, it was the very first of ten proposed additions that would guarantee certain rights to citizens. The fact that a bunch of guys would propose free speech and religion before guns shows that either

a) We used to be more sophisticated than our modern breed that flocked to The Expendables this weekend, or

b) The Founding Fathers realized shooting people is worthless unless you have the right to say something really cool beforehand.

And, really, is there anything more American than unrestrained words and gun violence? You could tell they were really reaching for ideas afterwards because the next amendment they could think up was quartering, followed by some lawyer s&#t. Continue reading Take it from Snee: The motherf@#king First Amendment