MasterChugs Theater: ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’

For many people, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is the best Christmas-themed comedy ever filmed. Personally, I make it habit to watch this movie about ten million times between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. Even after seeing the film so many times, Christmas Vacation remains as hilarious and entertaining as the previous holiday season. More than just a seasonal film, it’s one of those rare comedies that’s near perfect from beginning to end. Continue reading MasterChugs Theater: ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’

Clark still can’t save you now

When you’re super rich, 500,000 dollars is not a whole lot of money.

When you’re rich, 500,000 dollars isn’t that much money.

When you’re a working stiff, 500,000 dollars is a lot of money.

When you’re not a working stiff because you haven’t had a job in some time AND you’ve been arrested for illegally squatting in property AND you’re not exactly rolling in the money, 500,000 is a whole bunch of money that maybe you shouldn’t be skimping.

So skipping your court date? Maybe not the best idea.

Clark can’t save you now

If you weren’t aware of it by now, Cousin Eddie, also known by his slave name as Randy Quaid, is a bit crazy. That’s not an actual medical diagnosis (we’d save that for the dear and knowledgeable Dr. Snee), but it’s fairly accurate enough. You see, there’s been a bit of a man-hunt for both Randy and his wife, Evi, as the two have been alleged to be illegal squatters of property.

Recently though, Randy and Evi were found in Vancouver. When questioned by Canadian officials regarding their behavior, Randy stated:

he and his wife are seeking asylum there because eight of their close friends, including Australian actor Heath Ledger, have been murdered in the US and they don’t want to be next.

Such an insidious plot! People, we can’t make this up, because some people are doing that for us. Here’s the real secret conspiracy: The green stuff will kill you but the brown slop won’t.