Ask Dr. Snee: Samson Agontestes

Dear Dr. Snee,

Why is it that at the slightest touch, like when I bump them into a shopping cart, does it hurt my balls excruciatingly, but when I’m pounding away during sex, they’re slapping against her and everything feels fine? Do my balls have superpowers?

— Micah C.

The testicles, which you refer to as your “balls,” are incredibly sensitive part of the anatomy that nearly all vertebrate males share. This is why, when someone tells you to “show a little backbone,” you are socially obligated to display your testes in any method of your choosing. I personally prefer “The Brain” because, like a furry misshapen Epcot Ball, it’s fun and educational.

As sensitive as testicles are, you’d assume that a kind and intelligent creator would put them in the center of the body, farthest away from harm, like your heart or uvula. But since God is dead, they dangle there, front and center with maybe a large enough penis to cover them if you’re not wearing briefs. Continue reading Ask Dr. Snee: Samson Agontestes

Best. Bodyguard. EVER.

Maybe you’ve taken a browse through the news lately and seen a more than uncommon trend of attacks on children in China. It’s not so pretty and has caused a humongous amount of fear in tons of parents. Well, one set of parents has decided to ensure that these don’t happen to their child.

They’ve hired a f@$^ing Shaolin monk to walk their daughter to and from school.

His resume: he can catch an electric saw with his bare hands, can hold an electric drill to his bare head and has the nickname of “Iron Man.” And at a cost of only 1000 pounds a month (roughly 2000 dollars in the US), it’s a steal!

Congratulations Liu family-you’ve made a SeriouslyGuy approved decision.

My lawsuit-style is stronger than your discrimination-style

WA-PAAAAAAAH!GREG: Hey, Ted! Get a load of the new bus driver!

TED: Yeah, the one with the shaved head, love beads and pan flute? What a loser!

GREG: Let’s fire him!

TED: Wait, you sure? I saw some old episodes of Kung Fu, and that was always a bad idea.

GREG: Eh, what’s the worst he can do? It’s not like we’re carrying an Olympic Torch.

BILL, the Shaolin priest/airport shuttle bus driver, puts down his flute, stands up and does one of those neck popping things like Blade. Lightning flashes across a cloudless sky as a flock of cranes takes flight from a nearby hydrangea bush. The ground trembles ever so slightly, as if the Ancestors are fuming from within the Earth. He steps into Tiger stance and reaches back …

BILL: WA-PAAAAAAAH! [Presents lawsuit papers.]