Even Americans’ brains getting fatter

University of Tennessee biological anthropologist Richard Jantz says you’re a fathead. Well, not really. But it’s definitely fatter than those of your ancestors.

After measuring the skulls of white Americans born between 1825 and 1985, Jantz found that their heads are at least 8 millimeters larger. Taking the entire circumference into account, that amounts to a tennis ball-sized extra helping of brain.

But, let’s not go crazy here, white supremacists. This isn’t to say that other races‘ heads aren’t growing, too, just that white people are typically the only ones who let scientists touch them after that whole Tuskegee experiment thing. This also explains how bigger brains don’t necessarily translate to higher intelligence.

Man regrows skull, still has soft spot

Fifty years ago, Gordon Moore lost part of his skull in a car accident, and as a result, had to have a metal plate inserted around his skull. He then managed to dent the plate in another car crash three years later. This week, his doctors were rather surprised when they removed his metal plate to find his skull completely intact.

Note: there is no word on if he happens to have any claws made of bone located around his wrists.