Something wrong happening New Jersey? Inconceivable!

A woman was out walking and heard screams coming from a New Jersey house. She did the assumingly natural thing and phoned for the professionals, but when they got there, it all went just a little bit wacky.

Upon police arrival, the resident of the house refused to let them in, explaining that the screams were caused by a video game session. He was said to be irrational at this point (maybe someone took his Cheetos? They are dangerously cheesy), and when more cops arrived, he threatened them and slammed the door in their faces. It’s a completely and totally acceptable reaction. I’d be angry too if I lived in New Jersey.

Cops had to speak with the man through open windows, and then the SWAT Team arrived.

Seriously (Guys).

Eventually, the man left his house peacefully, and currently awaits psychological examination at the Somerset Medical Center. This makers the second time in history that an armed response team has had to interrupt a man’s gaming session. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Way to jump the gun, New Jersey.