Catholic Charities shoot own feet for martyrdom

In a move that could be best described as “really, really obtuse,” Catholic Charities is taking a stand against legal gay marriage in Washington, D.C.  According to a letter from Edward J. Orzechowski, President & CEO of the group, the company will no longer provide health plan coverage for spouses of new employees or employees who haven’t bought in yet.

(The letter courageously omits why their employees will receive less benefits, merely referencing “the tenets of our religious faith.” Perhaps even mentioning homosexuality is enough to tempt Catholics in Orzechowski’s book.)

So, Catholic Charities refuses to recognize gay marriage by refusing to recognize their own. Take that, homos!

Platonic relationships between opposite sexes possible?!

In today’s staggering “Holy S–t, Who Would Have Dreamed It!” news, it appears that there are cases of men and women engaged in non-sexual friendships.

Furthermore, these platonic (from the Greek meaning “neutered”) relationships often trigger negative responses from spouses, sometimes ending in divorce.

Of course, the article points out this doesn’t happen in all cases. For instance, Erica Rabhan, “a 26-year-old public-relations professional from Atlanta,” is OK with her husband’s girlish friend, Tamar, so long as she is able to call her and check up on her.

“‘Some of my friends don’t understand, but it makes me happy that he has someone else that supports him and stands by him,’ Rabhan says. ‘Now [Tamar and I] will get on the phone and gab for hours.'”

Remember, folks, you read it here first.*

*We can’t verify that claim.