MasterChugs Theater: ‘Season of the Witch’

Over the past two weeks, we’ve taken a glance at some really good movies out in theaters.

Season of the Witch is not one of them. It’s sort of required these days when discussing Nicolas Cage to make some mention of his ever-evolving hairstyles and personal quirks — the castle and the tax problems — but there are much more immediate issues at hand regarding Cage in the film. Like, pretty much, the film itself. Continue reading MasterChugs Theater: ‘Season of the Witch’

Now presiding, Judge Ninja Turtle

Creative sentencing may be all the rage among people in society, as who doesn’t enjoy the eye for an eye scenario, right? Okay, if you’re the victim of a financial swindling, you might prefer your money back instead having the guilty party have to play 5 straight shows of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida using a kazoo, but what if you’re not a person? What if you’re a state or a government? It’s time to get crafty.

Joseph Jacobbi did not pay his taxes. BUT! Rather than send him to jail, State Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia of Buffalo, New York, had him pay $25,000, which is just part of the money that he withheld from the state. Oh, and he then has to make and deliver 12 pizzas to a mission every Tuesday for the next 52 subsequent ones.

“I will leave the choice of toppings up to you,” he told the nonplussed restaurant owner.

The guys guess that the toppings probably won’t include green peppers. It’s just a guess.