MasterChugs Theater: ‘Wing Commander’

Don't worry people, hell's only broken loose for approximately 90 minutes. There comes a time in every boy’s life where he makes a fateful decision: video games or computer games. While the majority tend to make the former their choice, a select few will choose the latter. Within that percentage, the majority of individuals will become privy to a series of games known as Wing Commander. A simple space flight simulator, the original game was a shining example of its time: slightly choppy full motion video heralded by a B-level actor or actress (in Wing Commander‘s case, Luke Skywalker and voice of the Joker himself, Mark Hamill) coupled with fairly revolutionary game-play. Given that the first game was created in 1990 and thus became a cult success, it only makes sense for a movie to be made based on the franchise nine years later, right? It’s OK though, because Freddie Prinze Jr. (fresh from his complimentary hit, She’s All That), relatively unheard of Saffron Burrows and Matthew Lilliard get to be attached to it, and thus Wing Commander was born. However, since this is MasterChugs March Movie Mort Month, there’s got to be something wrong with the movie, and boy oh boy, is there ever. Hit the cut to find out. Continue reading MasterChugs Theater: ‘Wing Commander’