It sucks a little less (or more) to be a teen

The National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reports that oral sex among teens has gone down — yeah, we said it — steadily since 2002 acoording to their latest research from 2010.

As of today, 41 percent of girls and 47 percent of boys aged 16 to 19 reported reaching third base. And, of 15 to 24 year olds, it was overwhelmingly a rounding third, as only 5.1 percent of girls of 6.5 percent of boys didn’t go all the way home. (This study says that home is where your vagina is. We guess the ass is more of a hotel or resort.)

What’s a little disturbing, though, is that those precentages are based on receiving. Boys, some of you aren’t returning the favor. To quote Han Solo: get in there, you big, furry oafs! We don’t care what you smell.

We’ve said it for years (on the inside)

And it's only been two weeks.For years, we’ve said over and over again that it’s not sex that screws up young people, it’s the relationships they get into to “make it right.”

Researchers at the University of Minnesota surveyed 1300 young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 “about their most recent sexual encounters, their self-esteem and their emotional well-being.” The overall status of people who listed their last experience as casual was no different than those in a committed relationship with their partner.

No different.

This makes perfect sense. Do you know how hard it is to convince the person your with that you’re not a total scumbag? For a casual hook-up, that masquerade only lasts for a night, which doesn’t count comatose hours. But, stretch that act out over time, and by the end of three months, you don’t know who you are anymore. All that method acting has left you more confused and self-loathing than Robert Downey, Jr. at the end of Tropic Thunder.

So, keep it casual. Your brain will thank you.