Talk about hammering down on the pedal

There’s a new car source on the planet, and it’s ready to put gasoline in its place! The name of the energy source: Thorium.

Thorium is a heavy metal, barely radioactive, natural element that is three times more abundant than uranium. Yes, it’s used as a nuclear source, but let’s focus on that aforementioned characteristic: barely radioactive. It’s theorized at the moment that’s it not enough to give someone radiation poisoning, but as always, we’ll need willing participants to give it a shot first. Nonetheless, Laser Power Systems wants to give it a shot at powering down the highway.

The technology seems promising enough at the moment and there’s nothing like something that can give fossil fuels a break (if they’re not already run out by the time thorium can be used). But let’s not get too happy yet: for the most part, it’s nothing more than a really efficient battery.

Still, if thorium gets me one step closer to driving the Spider-Mobile, then I am all about it.