The World War II on Animals

World War II is easily the coolest war ever. Because we were fighting against absolute evil, there is none of that revisionist history that makes us look like we did anything wrong. (Take that, interment camps!) Not only did we defeat the Nazis and the Japanese while setting the stage for 50 years of the Cold War, but our brave boys helped out the later generations, too.

Unexploded bombs lie on the ocean floor, scatted across the world, threatening marine life constantly. U.S. Navy training sites have left the sunken munitions ready to go off, or at least leak some poisons into the water. And what’s more, since World War II was the last real naval war, sunken ships do the same thing!

Tom Brokaw was right. They really are the Greatest Generation.

2 thoughts on “The World War II on Animals”

  1. Way to respect your elders and your past. What they did at the time was right… and your right to be disrespecting them now is what they fought and died for.

    They really are the Greatest Generation.

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