Today’s green tip

Cooking: most of us fear it, but find it necessary. (You can only eat raw steak with an uncooked potato so many times.) But the thing about cooking is that it is just not eco-friendly. Sure, it may make things taste good, and save you money you could be spending on driving to a restaurant, eating there, and driving back, leaving a cloud of greehouse gasses in your wake, but it’s not green enough.

You see, ovens, microwaves and stoves use energy, and that energy comes from a power or natural gas processing plant, which means you are killing the environment with your selfish need to eat things several times a day.

Luckily, one man found a solution: a solar-heated oven. All you need is some cardboard, some aluminum foil and an acrylic cover. It can bake stuff, you just have to wait a while and have no idea what the temperature inside the oven is or how long its been cooking. Let’s totally throw out the window the fact that cardboard burns. This is a great idea that could help developing countries keep from starvation, or collecting firewood. We can save trees by giving them these ovens.

Wait, isn’t cardboard made from trees, too?