Warrior of the Week: Jeffrey Meldrum

As Starship Troopers taught us, when you’re in a war, the more you know about the enemy, the better. In the War on Animals, that means studying our foes, and finding the ones we’re not sure even exist, because sometimes, those are the biggest threat.

Jeffrey Meldrum, an anatomy and anthropology professor, gets it. And apparently, so does Idaho State University. The school approved his proposal to fly a remote-controlled blimp equipped with a thermal imaging camera over the mountains of the western U.S. in search of Bigfoot. Now all he needs is at least $300,000 in donations to fund the project.

One thought on “Warrior of the Week: Jeffrey Meldrum”

  1. I remember Dr. Meldrum. I wrote about him in The Tartan when one of the physics professors from his university was trying to publicly humiliate him to dry up his funding/get him fired. Glad to see he’s still on the hunt!

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