Welcome to the lost episode of Miami Vice

Last year, we reported about the living representation of Frank Abignale Jr., a teenager named Colton Harris-Moore. At the time, the story ended essentially on a cliffhanger, as it was alleged that Harris-Moore swiped a Cessna and took off, but the plane was then found damaged.

Well guess what-it must be time for the new television season to start because we’ve got a conclusion to the season finale! The Barefoot Bandit, as Harris-Moore is apparently being known as, has been captured after a high-speed boat chase in the Bahamas, which sounds totally awesome.

Nonetheless, the kid (when you’re 19, you’re a kid in my eyes) will be on his way to jail, potentially facing a lot of jail time. Or, he’ll be recruited by our government to help prevent similar crimes that he committed. Potentially.

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