What’s in a corny name?

That which we call high fructose corn syrup by another name would taste the g@ddamn same. And that’s exactly what the Corn Refiners Association hopes.

Big Corn has taken a hit on the anti-corn syrup bandwagon and hopes that it’ll sell like sickeningly sweet hotcakes with a new name: corn sugar. With FDA approval, the new name should make it sound more comparable to table sugar, and not glucose that’s been raped by science until it mutates into a fructosey paste.

But Big Sugar won’t have none of that. They’re lobbying against corn syrup’s reinvention.

3 thoughts on “What’s in a corny name?”

  1. Actually, rapeseed is the actual name of the ingredient in rape oil. However, because of the name and a hesitancy to print it on labels, the term canola was used, meaning CANadian Oil, Low Acid.

    The FDA approved listing canola oil as an ingredient so it wouldn’t look like Twinkies were made with real homegrown rape.

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