What’s the world coming to?

B-b-but there's a cross on his bathrobe. War on Christmas!You know, we can only guess where we’re headed in this handbasket when an old Southern man is accused of racism simply because he:

1) Refuses to marry interracial couples.

2) Does so because he worries about mixed-race children.

3) According to the phone call, seems mostly concerned about black-and-white interracial marriages.

4) Believes that, if “you really and truly feel down in your heart,” this isn’t wrong.

Is that all? That’s all the evidence you have?

What? This Justice of the Peace actively violated the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision that “the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State?”

That’s it?

Gosh, folks. What’s next? Will other people be accused of racism simply because they think a quarterback is overrated because he’s black, implying that there has never been a good black quarterback in the history of the NFL?

10 thoughts on “What’s the world coming to?”

  1. Look guys, if this is the only thing you two can think of then your marriage is doomed. Get a life and get along with it. You will always find people that disagree with you, in public life as well as private life. Learn to live with it if your going to be unusual and bi-racial, which by the way today it still is. Some folks have a problem but why screw around with them, move on, be better, and as has been said, “Don’t worry, Be Happy”. Smile and make them wonder what you are up to.

  2. Ignoring idiots, while blood pressure assuring, never makes them go away.

    Also, actively breaking the law, of this type in this day and age, is kind of a big deal.

    It’s velociraptors playing cricket in those funny English pants, big.

  3. First he’s not the only guy who can marry you in this state. Second get a life. Stop waisting time and money on bs lawsuits. Everyone is entitled to their opinions/decisions. If a used car salesman refused to sell you a car or a home owner refused to sell you their house, would you sue them too? You’re a couple of idiots. Go have sex, do something more productive.

  4. Right. Like when a bank denies my loan for illegal reasons, I should remember there are other banks and they probably won’t reject my loan, too? Even though the bank that broke the law faced no consequences for their action, prompting other likeminded banks to follow suit?

    That’s how racism became a system of living in the first place: tolerance.

  5. Welcome to this couples 15 minutes of fame and dire need for revenge on someone who hurt their feelings.
    I am going to take people that hurt my feelings in life to court.. That little kid in the 3rd grade is first on my list!

  6. The fact that they still were able to get married is not the point. Can you imagine yourself in the same situation? This should have been a very happy day for them and instead they were made to feel less than everyone else simply because of the pigmentation of their repsective skin colors. His refusal to marry them based on this fact is the definition of racism and should not be tolerated. They have a right to be angry and a right to demand justice, just as we all do when a wrong is done to us.

    As far as the justice’s less than intelligent assertion that he was concerned about the children. Does he worry about children of poor, uneducated people? Perhaps they shouldn’t be allowed to marry either, because their children will be disadvantaged. How about unattractive people, their kids might be ugly and they will get teased. Let’s don’t let them marry either. I am sorry to inform him, but he doesn’t get to decide for any of us whom we should marry as long as it is legal for us to do so.

    His other brillant asssetion was that interracial marriages don’t last. Has he seen the divorce statistics? Half of all marriages don’t last and actually the divorce statistics for interracical marriage are slightly lower than marriages over all. Perhaps if we want to reduce divorce, everyone should marry someone of a different race.

    I, myself, have been married for 23 years to a man whose skin color happens not to match mine. We have a daughter in college who is happy and successful. By all accounts, we are a happy, normal America family. Isn’t it lucky, this man didnt’ get to decide for us.

  7. Given what appear to be the judge’s heartfelt concerns wouldn’t it more beneficial to educate by showing him happy interracial couples? Also, perhaps what he says about mixed race children is true in his immediate area.

    Sorry, I think he is wrong but not criminally so and don’t think his life should be ruined.

  8. Sorry, Jacklyn, but what you *think* doesn’t define criminality. The Supreme Court decision I cited above (Loving v. Virginia) does. His decision is just as illegal as arresting someone for abortion or segregating schools.

    Seriously, people. This is a comedy site, not a civics class.

  9. The guy broke a federal law. He’s entitled to have an opinion, no crime against that. But if he can’t do the job with out breaking the law, then he shouldn’t have the job.

    Maybe the KKK is hiring. I don’t want blind people driving the bus, and I don’t want right weak fruit ca…err, freaks employed by the government.

    By some retarded peoples logic: “Hey, he shot your wife in the head because he didn’t like it, we know it’s breaking the law, but just move on and accept it, don’t punish the guy for breaking the law”. What morons!

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