Why Schadenfreude? Because you can afford it

Another morning, another day that your parents will ask you, “When are you going to give me a grandbaby?” (Apparently, they want a sexless grandchild.)

And then there’s Nadya Suleman, the single mother who just gave birth to octuplets because she had fertility treatments, implanted all six fertilized embryos and already had six children to boot. If she can do it, what excuse do you have for wannabe Grampy and Mom-mom?

It’s days like this that make it impossible to start your day …

Ah, but she can’t. Suleman’s now begging for handouts online, accepting Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal and Discover.

Oh, Nadya. Nobody takes Discover. That’s just sad.

Mm, Schadenfreude: make it every morning’s shameful joy.

8 thoughts on “Why Schadenfreude? Because you can afford it”

  1. I cannot believe this woman has the nerve to ask for handouts…she has six kids already and that was not enough?? Shameful.
    I would not give a dime to this woman. I believe she should be held accountable for this behavior and her fertility doctor should be in jail and banned from working every again. The world is FULL of unwanted and abandened children. SHAMEFUL woman and extremely selfish.
    I will never watch the today show again after they gave her the time of day. what kind of message does this give other women/girls about being responsible???? I think the news media is shameful for exploiting this kind of reckless behavior at all. But I’m sure she named her babies after the Bible to get the religious folks to pony up and Im sure they will …she will have it made in the shade soon enough and most likely the rest of her life and those kids…shameful.

  2. What is shameful is how people are blasting this woman…

    I don’t believe in IVF myself, however, the procedure she undertook was to give her one more child (at most, twins), so it was a total unexpected shock that 8 babies resulted.

    Also I read somewhere that embryos are often destroyed after a certain time period and we do not know if this mom felt a moral sense of obligation or not. Perhaps she did not wish the embryos destroyed and so opted to have them implanted (assuming only one child would be the result). To some people destroying an embryo is like destroying an unborn baby and is morally wrong.

    She is an educated woman and has been working her way towards a better job. She is not a loafer and just because she is accepting temporary assistance doesn’t make her a bad person.

    There are a LOT of people who are lazy and live off benefits but this woman is not lazy given her work record and educational direction.

    Another thought, there are a LOT of couples now who opt NOT to have children and in fact population in Japan, Europe and US is falling due to this fact. 14 babies are not too many for society to help out if that is the case in the end. It is a drop in the bucket of what our population should really be if people truly respected the family as it used to be.

  3. Those are very interesting points, Kaylan. However, the U.S. population is *not* falling and is projected to continue growing through 2030 at the most conservative estimates:


    So, the argument that this woman is doing me a favor is pretty thin. Also, there are plenty of educated people in America who do stupid things. Have you visited a college campus lately?

    For instance, wouldn’t it be irresponsible to fertilize six potential human beings, expecting most to die at best? Considering her other six children were also IVF, I find it very hard to believe that she doesn’t have any other fetuses lining a dumpster.

    Thanks for reading,


  4. Can someone tell me why this lady had so many kids if she knew she could not afford them??? she has her nails done, and dont tell me she has not had plastic surgery…she cant even close her mouth cause her lips are sooo big. why is it she is getting donations from people if she can afford these extra things? make up your mind lady either you want to help your kids or hmmm do you want to spend money on your nails and your face? i dont get it. there are so many people hoping they could afford 1 or 2 kids and this lady wants donations for being so selfish… i would give her money for her kids but how do we know its going to them it might be going towards her nails… if i was her i would NOT accept money you did this to yourself now take care of it by yourself…this lady needs some help…from a doctor cause she is mental.

  5. Is there a good side to this i am missing that this woman deserves support or should get it. Is this the example we want our daughters to follow and have people support, cause i mean honestly how many of you can support 14 children right now single with no spouse or support from the other person since technically sperm was donated. The clinic was at fault as well but this woman needs serious help and its not by donations its mental help.

  6. How can she raise 14 rugrats while still in school with no spousal support and claim to not be on welfare? I seriously don’t think she’s going back to school. She doesn’t have the time and apparently no $$$ either. It’s just another selfish sympathy ploy. She’s just crazy. I hope CPS comes in and takes all her kids and gives them to good financially stable homes for their sake.

  7. I built a far larger argument based on Rick Snee’s obeservations posted earlier here, but I blogged them since they aren’t related to the discussion at hand.

    The Biblical command of the Christian faith says, “Be ye fruitful and multiply”. However, as Bill Cosby has expressed in his many performances speaking of Adam and Eve, and their expulsion from Paradise, he is quoted best, “God was angry, when God told them to do that!”

    Do I personally think what the Octo-Mom did was a good thing, or a right thing? No. She already had kids she couldn’t provide for on her own. These are facts, and I can’t deny them. I think it was profoundly irresponsible. I also think the doctor that deliberately did this for her is criminally negligent, and should be investigated for any technical or ethical violations he may have committed while helping this woman create a family of fourteen that she could not care for. A physician has a moral and ethical obligation not to perform procedures that will ultimately prove harmful for his public trust. It’s an oath I myself took, so I take this part very seriously. It shouldn’t be an issue now, because the doctor should not have agreed to do this in the first place.

    But, these children are here now, and if we are an ethical and morally base society, we have an obligation to render fellowship, care and compassion to these children. It is not their fault that they exist, and they should not be villified or exploited as payment for their right to exist.

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