Winter in the South: Frozen alligators, iguanas

“Kill meeeee.”

In the War on Animals, a harsh winter could be our greatest ally. A cold snap in the Northeast was credited with killing sharks in Cape Cod. And the low temperatures are affecting animals in the Southeast, too.

Citizens in the North Carolina have been treated to views of alligators with their snouts poked above the ice in frozen swamps. According to experts, the gators can sense when the water is going to freeze over, and poke their noses above the surface and sort of hibernate until things thaw out. Until the swamps warm up, things just look creepy.

In Florida, iguanas are falling out of trees because of the cold. Temperatures dropped below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, which apparently makes iguanas think it’s a good time for a trust fall. The invasive reptiles aren’t built for such cold temperatures, and basically power down to the point where they can’t move, which causes them to fall out of trees. Floridians are finding these things just lying unconscious in their yards like the morning after an iguana frat party.

Unfortunately, the gators and iguanas are expected to survive.