Women singled out for equal pay

President Obama signed his first bill today, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which will grant equal pay, but only to women. Men, we’re sorry to say, will continue to not receive equal pay despite our gender, proving that

  1. George Orwell was right: some people are created more equally than others.
  2. Obama hates men.

So, with a stroke of at least 12 pens — Wait, what?

“[…] Mr. Obama signed his name to the bill, using one pen for each letter. ‘I’ve been practicing signing my name very slowly,’ Mr. Obama said wryly, looking at a bank of pens before him. He handed the first pen to the bill’s chief sponsor, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, and the last to Ms. Ledbetter”

Presidents sign their names one letter at a time to hand out souvenirs, slowing down the passage of bills? What happens when there’s an emergency anti-asteroid or -zombie bill where every second counts?

That’s why The Guys are marking the first African-American President signing the first equal pay for women bill with this limited edition President Barack H. Obama Presidential Bill-Signin’ Pen:

Coming soon to the SG Store for the low, low, historic price of $20.09.

2 thoughts on “Women singled out for equal pay”

  1. I’ve always been a big proponent of this. When I do my dishes or do my laundry, I get paid nothing. I think it’s only fair that women get paid the same amount for washing my dishes and doing my laundry.

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