Zebras in suburbia

Don’t ever turn your back on an animal, no matter how domesticated that gerbil might be, a wild animal lives deep inside of it, and it’s just aching to destroy you.

And then there are the actual wild animals we try to keep domesticated in zoos. If Jurassic Park taught us anything, it’s that nature always finds a way, and in Leesburg, Virginia, that was was an open gate at the local zoo. This week, residents woke up to find zebras grazing in their yards and galloping through their neighborhoods.

The pair of escaped zebras were terrorizing the town, as only zebras can, until police officers were able to put them down–not permanently, like their compatriots in Ohio did, they just tranquilized then and put them back in their pens. Citizens of Leesburg, it’s time to consider riding one of those things to work.