MasterChugs Theater: October Preview

We’re gonna keep it a little short and sweet here this week, folks. It’s been really busy at work this week, and we’re changing into a new month right around the corner, so we’ll just take a quick break from it all for just 7 (‘ish) days.

As you can tell, next month will be October, and as always, October is a theme month for MasterChugs Theater.

No, really. Last year was “The Movies You Should Be Watching.” The year before that was “Born in the USA and a Travesty Against Our Eyes.” Check out the SG Archives to see what 2008, 2007 and 2006 brought. But what will 2011 bring?

The horror-comedy genre. Late in August, Bryan McBournie let me know about some newly added items at Netflix. This notification got the ol’ Chug-gears turning. The horror-comedy genre is a very delicate mix. Make your movie too horror-esque and you get Club Dread on your hands, or even worse, something that takes itself far too seriously. Follow the path of comedy, but without any consequences and you end up with the next Scary Movie.

So let’s take a trip next month and see where it goes.

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